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PHM(Plasma Hybrid Module) computes spatial distribution of density of charged particles and electric field etc., in a reactor by hybrid model.

Description of method

PHM is a module to compute plasma parameters of non-equilibrium and low temperature plasma in various semiconductor manufacturing reactors, magnetron sputtering reactors and thin-film manufacturing reactors. PHM consists of the following five modules.

  1. EMM(Electro-Magnetic Module)
    • EMM solves for E theta, complex amplitude of azimuthal component of the electric field, and computes power absorption in ICP reactors.
  2. EMCSM(Electron Monte Carlo Simulation Module)
    • his module estimates EEDF, electron swarm parameters, momentum transfer collision frequency and source rates using electron impact collision cross sections.
  3. DDEM(Drift Diffusion Equation Module)
    • DDEM is a module to compute density distributions of each charged particles using the continuity equation by drift-diffusion model of charged particles using output values from above EMCSM under no magnetic field.
  4. CPMEM(Charged Particles Momentum Equation Module)
    • CPMEM is a module to compute density and velocity distributions of each charged particles by the momentum equation of charged particles under magneto-static field. Also CPMEM uses some output values from EMSCM.
    • DDEM or CPMEM will be used whether under no magnetic field or undermagneto-static filed, respectively.
  5. PEM(Poisson Equation Module)
    • PEM solves a Poisson equation by semi-implicit method using space charge and specified boundary conditions. This module should be coupled with DDEM or CPMEM.

PHM calls above 1., 2., 3. or 4. and 5. alternately to compute plasma parameters in various CCP or ICP plasma reactors in two-dimensional Cartesian or cylindrical (axial symmetry model) coordinates.

Input data

  • Specify computational domain, RF and DC electrodes, insulators and/or ICP coils defined by two-dimensional rectangular mesh system in Cartesian or cylindrical (axial symmetry model) coordinates.
  • Specify species of fed or background gas
  • Select the reaction (elastic, ionization, excitation, dissociation and recombination etc.)
  • between particles defined by internal database through PEGASUS/GUIM
  • Specify file name containing magnetic flux density

Output data

  • Spatial distributions of density, flux for each charged particles.
  • Spatial distributions of source rates of charged particles, radical and excited neutral particles.
  • Particle flux of each charged particles on the targets and walls.
  • Spatial distributions of electric potential and electric field.
  • Electron energy distribution function .
  • Power deposition and E Theta distribution when ICP coils exist.


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