PIC-MCCM(Particle-In-Cell with Monte Carlo Collision Module) computes spatial
distribution of density, energy of charged particles and electric field
etc., in a reactor by particle model.
Description of method
PIC-MCCM is a module to compute plasma parameters of non-equilibrium and
low temperature plasma in various semiconductor manufacturing reactors,
magnetron sputtering reactors and thin-film manufacturing reactors. A numerical
method of behavior of charged particles is PIC(Particle-In-Cell) method
and a numerical method of collision between charged particles and neutral
particles (elastic, inelastic such as ionization, excitation, charge exchange
and dissociation etc.) is Monte Carlo method, respectively. PIC-MCCM is
a module to compute the motion of charged particles by small time steps(<=ns)
in the electric field generated by spatial charge and electrodes(RF,DC
and grounded),insulators and/or ICP coils under magneto-statistical field
in two-dimensional Cartesian or cylindrical (axial symmetry model) coordinates.
Input data
- Specify computational domain, RF and DC electrodes, insulators and/or ICP
coils defined by two-dimensional rectangular mesh system in Cartesian or
cylindrical (axial symmetry model) coordinates.
- Specify species of fed or background gas
- Select the reaction (elastic, ionization, excitation, dissociation and
recombination etc.)between particles defined by internal database through
- Specify file name containing magnetic flux density
Output data
- Spatial distributions of density, energy and flow velocity for each charged
- Spatial distributions of source rates of charged particles, radical and
excited neutral particles.
- Particle and energy fluxes of each charged particles on the targets and
- Spatial distributions of electric potential and electric field.
- Energy distribution function of charged particles.
- Plasma parameters in a DC magnetron sputtering reactor
- Plasma parameters in GEC reactor