SPUTSMiSPUTtering Simulation Modulejis a module to compute sputtered
particle flux, angular distribution and energy distribution of sputtered
particles by using SASAMAL and the result such as incident ion flux, ion
energy and incident angle of ions from PIC-MCCM.
Description of method
Computational method of SPUTSM is same as SASAMAL since SPUTSM consists
of SASAMAL for an engine. Practical analysis of the motion of sputtered
particle should be done by the following manner combining with three or
four modules in PEGASUS. In advance, if magnetron sputtering reactor would
be used, MSSM would be used to compute magneto-static field.
- Plasma simulation by PIC-MCCM
- At first, PIC-MCCM should be used to compute ion flux, ion energy and incident
angle of ions to the target.
- Simulation to get the information concerning the sputtered particles by
- Second, SPUTSM should be used to compute sputtered particle flux, sputtered
angular distribution and sputtered energy of sputtered neutral particles.
- Rarefied gas simulation by DSMCM
- At last, DSMCM should be used to compute the motion of sputtered particles
in the reactor, neutral particle flux onto the substrate and thickness
distribution by particle deposition on the substrate.
So, SPUTSM is an interface module to compute whole of sputtering simulation
through above three steps of which core module is SASAMAL.
Input data
- Specify information of incident ions to the target as the result from PIC-MCCM
- Specify information of the target materials
Output data
- Sputtered particle flux, angle and energy distribution of sputtered particles.