SMCSMiSheath Monte Carlo Simulation Module; SMCSMjis a module to compute
incident energy distribution and angular distribution onto a target or
a substrate by tracing the motion of electrons and ions in a sheath depend
on time.
Description of method
SMCSM computes energy and angular distribution of electrons and ions reached
to the bottom of sheath from sheath edge of bulk plasma through sheath.
Description of computational procedure is as follows.
- At first, electric field depending on time within one RF period in a sheath
should be computed by using Liebermanfs sheath model or using PEGASUS/PHM.
- Second, charged particles, electrons and ions, are flow-in from sheath
boundary. The velocity distribution of flow-in particles should be whether
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution or Bohm velocity plus Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution. Time of incident from sheath boundary will be decided by
using uniform random number within a RF period.
- Finally, motion of charged particles in time varying electric field will
be traced until reached to the bottom of a sheath, surface of a target.
The collision in the sheath should be neglected. Statistical sampling for
energy and incident angle of charged particles reached to the bottom of
sheath, surface of target will be done.
Input data
- Specify electric charge and mass for each incident charged particles.
- Specify following parameters for a shape of sheath if Liebermanfs sheath
model would be used.
- Electron density of sheath edge
- Electron temperature
- Frequency of RF electrode
- Current
- If PEGASUS/PHM would be called previously, above parameters are free.
- Then result-ant file concerning time dependent electric field from PHM
should be required.
Output data
- Energy distribution of charged particles onto the bottom of a sheath, surface
of target
- Incident angle distribution of charged particles onto the bottom of a sheath,
surface of target