Plasma parameter analysis in a RF magnetron sputtering equipment
Computational conditions
- Results of PIC-MCCM calculation and reference J.Vac.Sci.Technol.A 19(3)838 are compared
- RF magnetron, Vrf = 200[V], frequency 13.56[MHz]
- Residual magnetic flux density of paermanet magnets 0.2[T] - 0.5[T]
- Distance of target and substrate 2.0[cm]
- Ar pressure 5[mTorr]
- 2D cylindrical coordinates
Time avaraged electron density distribution (0.35[T])
Time averaged electric potential distribution (0.35[T])
Axial Electron density distributuon, results of the reference
Axial electron density distribution, PIC-MCCM results
Ion flux distribution on target, results of the reference
Ion flux distribution on target, PIC-MCCM results